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Friday, July 13, 2012

Note from Shermance

Good morning, all my friends. I feel I must pick up on Dale's slack, lol. Poor man has been so busy with work and me, there has been no time to update everyone with his usual witticisms. So you are stuck with me, again.

My third round of chemo really hit me hard. It wasn't being a little tired that bothered me, but the low level nausea that was present all the time. I think that is what contributed to my depression, because you guys know how much I love being energetic. So I was depressed, sick, and tired and moped that I felt like death. Then I woke up Thursday AND I WAS BACK! Enough energy to strong arm and boss the whole family like a drill sergeant. And boy do they love that.

Last monday we went to go visit the surgeon to find out how thing were looking. He sat and looked a long time. Not only has the tumor shrunk, but it seems to have morphed into some odd shape. He was very interested and wants to see us back in August. I tried to get a better grasp on timing for everything, like doing the surgeries and reconstruction in December and I wanted to know how much time I should take off. Then they were like, "oh hon. Things have changed.". So now I can do the mastectomies in December, but apparently, because I had the tiny, tiny lymph involvement, now I have to do 6 weeks of daily radiation. That sucks. Then he said the reconstructs comes after that. Although I've talked to several people who put their spacers in at the time of radiation, and it worked fine. So I guess we need to talk to the plastic surgeon to get a better grasp on our options.

So work has been great. We had been off for two weeks and I must say I really enjoyed hanging around the house. Getting back to work only took a little while to get back into the swing of things. And honestly, I wonder how I get any work done with all the talking that I do. Whether it is a new patient, which most still are, or one I've seen before, everyone wants an update on how I'm doing. Everyone. And it warms my heart, the generosity of spirit that they all show. One sweet lady gave me her "God is big enough" bracelet and held me and said a prayer for my healing. How can you feel sorry for yourself when so many people show such love?

I think Dale wants to update you further, with all the things he's been noticing and taking notes on, you know him, but I wanted to catch you up with me.😜.

I am really, really good right now, very positive and happy and energetic. I go to Tae Kwon Do and run and race everyone. Life is good. And while I don't quite see the light at the end of the tunnel, I can at least see a tunnel now. I only have one more of the frigging awful A/C treatments that make me want to die, and I can deal with ONE MORE! Then the 12 weeks of weekly Taxol chemo treatments should, please God, be a little easier on my body. But we will just wait and see. The first treatment they say should take 6 hours because everyone reacts differently, but this is the one that could cause neuropathy in my hands and feet, and may cause me to lose my finger and toe nails. Good times. All can be delt with and is temporary. I got to be a crew leader at VBS a few weeks ago and the theme for the weeks was, "no matter what happens, TRUST GOD.". At that is where my life is now. Trusting in God, and praying that I have the strength to do what is needed of me. All your notes, and prayers, and gifts really, really mean the world to me. Your support is what gets me thought. Thank you, my friends.

I love you all!!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you. You are doing great and am so happy for your loving family and friends. Keep up the attitude and I hope to see you soon. Gotta rub that head. :) love. Potter.

Anonymous said...

So good to see a note from you. The gift of gab comes easily to some of us.....not mentioning any names. lol We continue to pray for your complete healing and for this to pass soon. Love you and you are in my thoughts daily.