Shermance was really looking forward to having her parents over Saturday afternoon for a steak dinner, like the one they raved about a few weeks back! We have a secret rub we put on the steaks that makes them melt in your mouth. After a busy morning of Shermance doing Tae Kwon Do for nearly 4 hours and me moving in a new piano to our house, we were both a bit exhausted. I still needed to take Parker out to sell Cub Scout popcorn in an attempt to meet his goal of earning a scholarship this year - like Logan did during his 3rd grade year. If you are willing to help Parker on his quest for a scholarship, click here! To support Parker you need to enter ID# 27088205.
While I was in the rush to leave, Shermance needed some Dale time...just a few minutes to chat. I didn't give it to her because I was nearly late, but she asked for a Xanex to calm her nerves a bit because she was shaky and couldn't rest. I quickly grabbed the pill and gave it to her, at which point she reminded me that selling popcorn is not more important than her at this time in her life (or ever). I agreed and resigned myself to be a few minutes late, to allow her to air her feelings. It was time well spent. She had lost her "happy" and didn't know how to get it back. She is usually so bubbly and full of energy. One of her "love languages" is time spent together so I was filling her love bank by taking those extra moments. When I left to pick-up the popcorn and Parker, we were both feeling better and a bit less stressed.
About half way into our popcorn-selling shift at the nearby CVS, Shermace surpised us by paying us a visit. I thought she'd be sleeping, but it turns out I gave her the wrong pill. I gave her the 12 hr controlled release sleeping pill and not the anxiety-reducing sleeping pill - HOLY CRAP! Especially since it was in the middle of the day and she didn't want to sleep the day away! She was not too happy, especially because she had just spent the previous half hour trying to throw up the little blue pill. I felt like such a schmuck! She drove off in a huff. As I went back to our selling, I was in a blue funk thinking about my carelessness that caused her anguish! I expected her to go home and rest for a few hours until her parents came and I'd check if she was up for visitors; instead, Shermance drove to Sam's Club in a stupor that, in hindsight, was stupid. She hardly remembers driving and doesn't remember at all her time in Sam's. The sleeping pill nearly caused her to sleep on her feet! She couldn't walk straight and her mind was in outer space. She must have looked half-drunk to the fellow shoppers. Somehow she managed to pick-up steaks and all the acoutrements for dinner and managed to drive home before we made it back from our shift. I was surprised to see the garage open and her trunk lifted full of the stuff she just brought home. In addition to some mighty big steaks, she bought a memory foam mattress topper - more retail therapy and perhaps the answer to her prayer requests for more sleep.
She was so set on having a nice dinner for her parents that she risked her life (and those around her) by driving while on the heavy meds. I would never forgive myself if something bad had happened to her. Her parents had already arrived, by then and we snacked while Shermance crashed for about an hour. Just before dinner, her dad fell ill, so ultimately we had dinner alone, which maybe was the right thing anyway. We enjoyed some steaks and potatoes and finished the evening with family movie night: Cars 2.
Today, Sunday, Shermance got her happy back. We had an enjoyable coffee-time visit at dawn and enjoyed hearing the great stories of our youth missions during Youth Sunday at church. Shermance was the loudest singer and the biggest supporter throughout! She loves church and they love her! After church Parker and I rushed out for another popcorn sale while the rest of the family stayed home...But the biggest contributor to Shermance's happy was Brad's deep tissue massage at Helena Spa...That definitely brought back SHERMANCE'S HAPPY!
Now we look forward to watching the closing of the Olympics together! More happiness!
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