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Monday, May 14, 2012

More Good News!

The results of the PET scan determined that there is no additional cancer throughout Shermance's body, so she is definitely not in Stage 4.  Whew!  There was a small abnormaily in the right lobe of her lung, but we were told it is definitely not cancer and not something to be at all concerned with.  Still waiting on HER2 results and BRCA family history results. 

Today we learned what to expect from chemo, and reactions vary greatly but they have medications to help with almost everything except fatigue which is a very common side effect.  Usually fatigue sets in 3-5 days after the treatment, but precautions like drinking plenty of water, eating a diet low in sugars and high in protein, veggies and fruit, as well getting plenty of rest all will help.

She'll be doing chemo for the next 24 weeks or basically till November.  The first round (12 weeks) is every 3 weeks then it goes to weekly for the next 12 weeks.  Then it will be time for surgery after the cancer has hopefully shrunk to almost nothing.

We confirmed that we'll have the sentinel node removed on Wednesday to confirm stage 2 or 3 and that same day they'll put in an access duct which will be the port for all chemo input and all blood drawn over the coming months.

Keep up those prayers...thank YOU!

1 comment:

Ponder said...

Shermance kick that cancer's ass. I'll be thinking about you. (And the time you crawled through that dog door.)