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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not Going to Curl-Up and Dye

After chemo, Shermance was ready for more retail therapy, so I surprised her with an early birthday present – iPad2.  Now she has a single device for movies, books, and email plus a whole lot more J.  We came home to a house full of Shermance’s family who were ready to hear about the chemo adventure. The whirlwind of updates was magnified because the boys and I needed to get ready for a family Boy Scout campout weekend (understandably sans Shermance).  Her parents planned to stay the weekend with her, and I would take the boys camping to keep their lives somewhat normal. 

Boppa shared stunning pictures of Shermance that he took the weekend before chemo (see below). Collin (Sherm’s bro) helped Shermance sync her Apple devices and his wife, Dina, shared their beautiful baby Lili with several open arms and shoulders.  Nothing helps emphasize the frailness and awe of life like a 3-week-old baby!  Such a blessing. Mimi, had prepared an awesome meal for all to share as time allowed between the commotion of the evening. 

Within a few hours, I left with the boys for Canyon of the Eagles (near Burnet, TX). Little did we know that Shermance was ready to take charge of her expected hair loss more than a week earlier than planned. She wanted to do it now!  Bonnie chopped off Shermance’s hair – in an impromptu whirl (see below). Collin stayed to help direct.  Soon after we arrived at camp we received 3 IMs w/ pics, the first with hair wetted, the next with a boyish chop, and the last with a buzz cut about a ¼ inch high – shocking, yet Shermance is still gorgeous. Shermance was glad she had a cute head!

She showed off her buzz the next morning at her Tae Kwon Do mid-term test in preparation for her 3rd degree black belt. While she was warned by her surgeon against doing any upper body workouts, she insisted on demonstrating her Tae Kwon Do form and board breaks – reverse punch, hammer fist and front kick!  All were broken on the first try.  Watch out!  Fortunately there were no mishaps.

Then on to the Domain with her mom and great friend and college buddy, Diane, for even more retail therapy (you’d think retail therapy would be wearing off – oh no!). She had to be cute while bald, you know!  It was nice for her to get out while she had the energy, because we fully expect the tough days to be coming soon!

Going on the campout was a good idea Shermance had.  It was deemed the "best campout ever" due to perfect camping weather, the fish caught, a first-time sling shot, a magnesium starter block that started our S'mores fire, a 10-ft tower structure the scouts assembled with lashings, a fun campfire production, delicious Dutch-Oven Chocolate-Cherry Cobbler, and a walking tour with the resident naturalist. Not surprisingly, the boys were exhausted and ready for naps before going to football practice/games later in the day.

While we were at football, a good friend brought a huge meal that will keep us going for a couple days...Thank you so much, Shannon!  Shermance has had cold spells, minor heart burn, and hints of nausea, but not debilitating...yet. 

Chemo weekend #1 down. 23 weekends (most of which start w/chemo treatments) to go...


Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous! You have so much fight in you, Shermance. You are the most vivacious and strong woman I've ever met. That cancer has no idea who it's messing with! ;')


2ndrowsista said...

Shermance, just saw your post on FB and followed it over to this site. You look beautiful with your new "do" and I'm praying for you to kick this cancer to the curb. Stay strong!

Rob Laundy said...

Shermance, you're one of the strongest and most positive people I've ever known. You're gonna kick this in the teeth and come out the other side stronger than ever. If there's anything we can do, let us know.

Rob and KC

Veronica said...

Hi Shermance,
I just saw your post on FB and now reading the blog. You do have a cute head! Stay strong and I do believe in keeping a positive attitude to help get one through the tough times. Praying for you and your family.