Two work days in the record book post chemo 2 and Shermance rates herself above 80% back to normal. It's her lack of energy that is very uncharacteristic. She finds it hard to sleep even though she is fatigued. She did, however, sneak in a nap before dinner - she was just too worn down. Sleeping at night is hard because her heart races due to steroids and her bones and skin ache from the white blood cell shot, but it's better than the alternative of nausea! or worse falling ill! It wasn't the tiredness that made her cry.
During dinner what made her cry from laughter was the talk of ta-tas. We all laughed over dinner because we've mentioned words related to breasts (boobs, ta-tas, chest - whatever) more in the last month than we have ever said it in our home previously. It's amazing how this even changes our vocabulary and dinner conversations. This time it was actually us laughing at Parker for forgetting to add sunscreen to his chest (aka moobs - though since he's a boy would that be boobs??? and girls have goobs??? Ha). See how it got a bit outrageous. Anyway Parker has an unusual sunburn on his chest after he put sunscreen just on his face, neck and shoulders and spent the day in the water park shirtless at his YMCA camp. It's not a bad burn, and the laughter was good medicine.
After dinner, Shermance cried again while reading a touching email. The sellers of Collin's new house heard of Shermance's cancer and and tracked her down. The daughter who was already planning on donating her hair to Locks of Love wanted specifically to give her hair to Shermance. How sweet! Her mom had to explain to her that her brown hair may not be fitting for fair-skinned Shermance, but the thought was priceless! What a wonderful sacrifice for a young girl. They also want to cheer Shermance on like in a pep rally - GO SHERMANCE! GO, FIGHT, WIN!
The last thing that made Shermance weepy and frustrated was the thought of medicines, toxins, coursing through her veins. She's always tried to eat whole foods, put natural products on her skin, and avoid taking medicine if possible. Now she requires chemicals in her body just to stay alive. She doesn't want to do it anymore, but she will. She will do what it takes day by day by day!
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