In the discussions with the plastic surgeon, he mentioned several options before giving his recommendation for silicon implants. Among the options he mentioned pulling tissue from her tummy and even using cadaver tissue to augment her breasts. He joked, that they could go cadaver shopping to pick one that had qualities that she was hoping would benefit her, like improved dancing skills. In the end (ha ha), he may end up taking donor tissue from back fat or from her backside to help make the reconstruction look as natural as possible. Tattooing the nipple area is something we haven't heard of before, but it will make the reconstruction look quite natural. The look and sensation will never be fully restored, but it will definitely be an emotional boost after this 1 and a half year process.
Today we are back at Taxol chemo treatment. This is the first time she was allowed to go directly to the chemo lounge without seeing the Oncology Nurse, Jolie, or Dr. Kocs. I was fully loaded down with satchels, a blanket, a purse and snacks so Shermance had to snap a pic. We're on weekly Taxol number 5 with 7 left to go. Today is especially long at the hospital since we go from chemo to a CT scan to check out progress of the cancer, and to take a look at an abnormality on her lung that was seen in her first CT scan. Since we were in the chemo lounge early we picked our favorite spot where we were able to spread out a bit more than usual. Shermance spent time talking with everyone around her - so unusual for her before her Benodryl-induced hibernation during the 2 hours of Taxol treatment.
She's been in great spirits this week which I hope continues while I am away for the next 10 days in Singapore and Shanghai. Our boys have been great about expanding their independence and maintaining their chores. In fact, the boys at 9 and 11 now get ready for school completely on their own, take care of their dishes, and ride their bikes to school without needing to be told. Parker rides the half mile with a gang of 4 boys and girls, and he's usually the first one out there. Logan rides a bit over a mile to middle school, and he enjoys the independence. We are quite blessed.
A moonflower from our backyard. It only opens at night and closes just after dawn. |
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