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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What's up with the blog?

Why so long?  Where have all the updates gone? Long time passing?

Admittedly, I have been very distracted the last few weeks while applying and interviewing to switch jobs within my company.  Although it was posted as a senior director position (I'm not even close to that level), they selected me for the role.  Bad timing due to Shermance's cancer; nonetheless, an honor to be selected.  Immediately I was given new assignments, yet I don't transition out of my old role till the end of September.  So I've been a tad busy.  Additional work conflicts like training I was delivering for the new role and a one-time training for company leaders by a renowned author, unfortunately resulted in me missing the last two chemo sessions.  Her mom gladly filled in, and made sure she was well care for. 

Shermance is doing well, all things considered.  She has started to regrow hair on top of her head, yet her eyebows continue to fall out - the last of which dropped just two days ago.  It's a huge bummer for her since she's been particualry horrified at the thought of losing them...moreso than the hair on her head.  She continues to look GREAT and radiates happiness when she is feeling up to it.  So when she is in public, no one knows that she has hard energy crashes that require her to take it easy and rest a whole lot.  Unfortunately two weeks ago, exhaustion caught up with her.  With her immune system already taxed by chemo, she developed Pink Eye and needed to stay home from work for 2 days.  She needed the rest.  I was out of town, so she cared for the boys and herself, for those days.  I felt helpless from 1000 miles away.  She now is more aware of her limits, so she tries not to push quite so much. 
Dreaded Pink Eye!

She's made the switch to earlier bed times which seems to have helped immensly. She still wakes up before 5 am on work days, but feels much more refreshed.  Her long work days (9-10 hrs with few if any breaks) take their toll, so she generally has little energy at night those 4 days of the week. Yet she still tries to hit Tae Kwon Do at least 2 of those days.  I'm super impressed with her drive, but I also watch her more closely for signs of fatigue.

Last weekend we tried another first...a weekend outing to a ranch owned by good friends of ours. We left the same afternoon she completed her 4th Taxol (only 8 to go - woohoo!).  We knew it was risky, but since we hadn't had a family vacation all summer we thought we'd try to get away.  It was wonderful.  The kids swam in the gynormous pool, cruised around on the Polaris utility vehicle, and played lots of fun games around the recreational haven.  We slept in the darkest, quietest room ever and were surprised to be woken up at 8am thinking it couldn't be much past our normal waking hours that rarely allow us to sleep past 6:30.  The rest was wonderful, and the get-away was just what was needed to prepare us for the crazy days that school days and the routines that accompany this hectic season. 

Now for the best news!  The cancer continues to shrink.  Shermance continues to fight (and so do her warriors in her head that have morphed into spear-carrying doughboys - a bit odd, but it works for her).  Tomorrow she visits a plastic surgeon to hear more about her options for reconstructive surgery after the double masectomy in December.

She continues to get wonderful support from her collegues, clients and friends.  Her hair bling, has been a real hit at the office and she now has dozens of options to sparkle up her head both self-purchased and gifted.  The support makes her so happy and she is inspired by each email, phone call, card, and gift.  She is so loved.

Thank you!  Please continue to keep her in your prayers!

Pics from Taxol 1

Her pulse was racing...Just prior her blood pressure was really high too.

Pics from Taxol 2

Pics from Taxol 3

Headband from a patient
Pics from Taxol 4

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