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Thursday, November 8, 2012

blogging like a big girl:-)

Blogging all by myself, kind of.  Well, I did need help logging on, but that's it.

I've had a really good week and am starting to feel much more like my old self.  I still have bouts of anxiety, where the boys (Dale included) really irritate me, but I don't know that is related to chemo, tee hee.  

I've had some scares, like my self-diagnosing lower leg melanoma, which was fine, but I also had a biopsy done on my lower eye lid.  Due to my episode with skin cancer years ago on the same eye, I allowed myself to get really concerned, but I got the call today and all is well. 

Funny story though: the boys are like truth magnets so I try very hard to be up front about everything.  The night before I was to go in for the biopsy on my eye I told them about it during night night time.  (Yes, that is still what we call it)  They just looked at me and said, “Seriously, how much more are they going to keep cutting off?”  Which was kind of funny.  I told them that it all didn’t really matter, what was important is that I was here with them, then it all morphed into “mama floating heads “and that was that.

My other issue was the edema, swelling, that is still in my legs.  I wear the compression socks and do make quite a statement with them, but am a little worried since no one really knows what is going on.  I found out by getting a confirmation call from the endocrine specialist that I have an appointment tomorrow, so hopefully we will get some answers.  Maybe it all has something to do with the ginormous nodule that has completely take over the left thyroid, and then the several smaller ones in the right (did I mention we biopsied those as well?  Not Cancer. )

Then I also meet with the surgeon on Monday to go over pre-op information.  Hopefully I will have some info from the endocrine specialist to tell him.  Maybe we can cut everything out and off at the same time.  Oh, and I have had a pain under my right arm for about a week, near where they removed the sentinel node, so no telling what psychosomatic stress I’m putting on myself.  Maybe I should Google it and REALLY freak myself out!

Who knew what fun a blog was!  It feels kind of like a diary!  Or just me whining.  Anyhoo, besides all the bitching, I really do feel good and am very lucky to have so many people who support me and love me.   Since it looks like Dale is rather busy, you might be stuck with me.  I’ll catch you guys up with what I hear tomorrow. 

Night Night 

1 comment:

Diane said...

Girl - what did you hear from the doctor last week?