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Friday, November 30, 2012

Great News!!!

 So quick update since I’m sure Dale will give a much more detailed synopsis:  Drains are out!  Hurt like a B***ch, but they are out!  The chemo worked and while both cancer tumors were not completely eradicated, they shrunk drastically in size, from 25 mm, I think, to 6 mm.  Something like that.  Then all the breast tissue that contained the tumors was completely removed and there was no signs of cancer in the axilla lymph nodes that were removed.  YEAH!  So the surgeon does not recommend radiation, in fact he emphatically is resistant to radiation, saying it will do more harm than good.  In addition, he says it will greatly increase the risk of lymphedema in the right arm!  Then he went on to say that I am a candidate for early reconstruction and as soon as the plastic surgeon can fit me in, he says go!  So even next week, depending entirely on the plastic surgeon’s availability.   So we will see!  But I am floating on air and I wanted to share it with everyone ASAP!  LOVE YOU ALL!!!  I was able to get this far with all the incredible support and love from family, friends, and even some almost strangers.  And God.  He has walked through every step in my heart.  This has been such an amazing journey so far…  Cannot wait to see what comes next!

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