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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our First "Normal Work Day" Since the News

By the time I woke up Tuesday at 5:40, Shermance had been up for nearly an hour and she was full of energy!  What a great start to the day! Shermance has always been a morning person, which I may not always full appreciate :) but yesterday morning it was GREAT because it meant she wasn't yet feeling the negative impact of chemo.  We've been told that days 4-6 after chemo can be the worst so we've been monitoring her fatigue and nausea (on a 1 - 10 scale) daily. She was at subzero. We don't know whether to attribute the great feelings to the Newlasta shot, her new Juice Plus supplements (Thanks, Nancy), or all the PMA and support she's been given. Maybe all of them!  She was still in a good mood when she came home to presents for the FedEx gift man: a gift box with a pink watch, a black sweatshirt with a pink ribbon and inspiring words, special pink lotion, and pink flip-flops (Thank YOU, Anjali from the!  The gift guy also brought a pink Genius iPad cover (Thanks, bro). Compiled pic of gifts below...

Unfortunately her great feeling didn't last all day.  On the way to Tae Kwon Do in the evening her throat started to hurt and it only got better after our family dinner and downing an Airbourne medicine mix.  Not only was she physically starting to wear down, but I found out that evening she took an emotional blow at work when she felt she was not pulling her weight - hard to do when she's been at almost daily surgeon and oncologist appts in the last 2 weeks.  Fortunately her throat felt better, but her heart didn't.  We spent the rest of the evening worrying about it. It was enough to cause restless sleep for Shermance and to wake her up at 3:30 - her mind racing about how she had let the team down.  Shermance is extremely driven, but at this time of hardship she really doesn't need added stress.  With her mind racing she got out of bed and wrote an email and sent it at 4:15 am.  Shermance will do whatever is neccesary to pull her weight, but we also need to make sure she gets plenty of rest, which she didn't do last night.  The scariest thing was the bloody discharge she spit up this morning about 3/4 the size of a penny.  She thinks it may have been a clot from surgery when they shoved a tube down her throat, but we don't know for sure.

Anyway, the stress of last night's evening caused us to shift out of our we left the garage door open all night, didn't turn on the alarm, nor take care of ourselves like we should have.  Moving forward, as her cancer hero, I need to make sure we take care of Shermance and our family first, and the other things will be taken care of in due time.


garth aegerter said...

Shermance, this is Garth. What an unfortunate turn of events.... But the good news is that your a fighter!!!! I know you can beat this! Keep fighting... Will keep in touch

Cindy said...

Let me give one very important piece of advice concerning work: get a doctors note concerning her limited amount of hours / activities or whatever her work may consist of. The work place-by law can not discriminate against her in any way and if they continue to give her a hard time you can actually file a grievance against them.
Next, the Neuladta shots does give you a feeling of energy, especially the first few days after, is mainly to keep your blood count up. You do need to rest and not push yourself (overdo it). It will hit you like a brick wall!!!
Another question: is the chemotherapy course you are on...adriamycin, taxol (taxotere) and cysplatin? If these are the three...let me know(Shermance) you have my Facebook friend page now. I can tell you a lot about these three drugs, what you might experience that is not common, what to do for the things that are, etc. Remember, I have been there and done that, plus I worked with an oncologist for 10 years.
Get plenty of rest...when you are tired, do not push!!!

Anonymous said...

One day at a time dear cousin. Do not worry about things until there is a reason to worry and at that point, turn it over. I have spent way too many years letting work stress me out, cause sleepless nights, and dictate my peace/happiness at times. There is nothing more important then your health at this time!!! Stress is the enemy, so remember to take care of yourself. Love you lots! Audra