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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pretty in Pink Cancer Warrior- 1st Surgery

Actually Shermance was feeling a bit less than "Pretty in Pink" as we prepared for her first sugery as a cancer warrior - no make-up, no bling, and on a fast since the night before.  She wore her pink to show cancer that she was there to fight - FBC.  She wasn't completly prepared to fight because she was walking like an 90-year old woman due to the fitness test she had on Monday at Tae Kwon Do (she's a 2nd degree black belt).  She had completed 40 knuckle push-ups, 80 crunches after a gazillion leg exercises and punches/kicks on the bag - yet passed the test way above what was required.  The doctors love that she is so fit and ready to attack the cancer monster head-on.

Middle of the night dog duty to let out cone-of-shame wearing Carmel didn't have me on the top of my game, but I was ready to be Shermance's cancer hero.  All went well.  A highlight of the surgery day was the radiation, where the port of entry was a shot through the nipple - what a delightful experience!  At least she had Vallium to take the edge off.  :) The all-day hospital visit resulted in the underarm sentinel node removal and the chemo power port installed in her chest, under the skin.  We described the port to the boys as the power supply in Ironman's powered armor - which will hopefully give her superhuman strength.  We were hoping to find out today whether the lymph node had cancer, but won't find out now till Friday.

The boys made note of the bracelet Shermance received in the hospital that said "Fall Risk" due to her heavy sedative prior to the surgery.  Somehow it was construed into "Walrus" which she was called for the rest of the evening.  The levity helps take the edge off the hardship. 


hennashearsay said...

Glad you made it through the day! You are a trooper! Lela
(having a hard time figuring out a way to sign in and comment - can you stick another way on here Dale?)

Anonymous said...

Hoping for negativity in the biopsy! -Julie