Shermance rallied enough energy to attend Vacation Bible School training today. She plans to volunteer the week before her next chemo, provided she has enough energy. She's was recognized as one of their most energetic and fun vounteers the past three years but this time might be different. She may not be that same energetic person and the kids may avoid her due to her bald head. It is shocking to people who see it for the first time. But since we've lived with it for over 3 weeks it's easy to forget how people might react.
We've only made it to church once since she cut-off her hair, so the volunteer clan had mostly not seen the head shean. The many hugs and words of support were great, but Shermance likes to be strong. She doesn't like to be pitied. She doesn't want people to feel sorry for her. It was a bit overwhelming just being there. Joy, a friend we know from church, school and Scouts offered to set-up a care calendar. Several have offered (remember we were forming Team Boobilicious) yet we've not felt an overwhelming need. We were doing OK, but we realize the help is quite welcome. Last week the Randolph family made enough meals for the whole week and her mom made enough for the weekend. It is so nice to not worry about that, too.
During one of the VBS training activities Shermance had to make cut-outs. She struggled. It frustrated her that her hands shook and she had a hard time making simple cuts. It's hitting her harder than she even realized.
On the way home she cried a bit. She wants to be the old Shermance so bad. She doesn't want "chemo brain" to set-in, but it inevitably will. The radio was tuned to a Christian station. It's uplifting. The song, God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton made her realize there are a lot of people who have helped her through the ups and downs. It made her SMILE! She is thankful for all of you.
Now, it's mid afternoon and she just wants to sleep...
Hang in there Shermance. -Potter
This is a great journal Dale. Thank you for keeping all of us updated, the pics you include make it a reality as well. Positive thoughts and prayers sent your way Shermance from many people you don't know. We're all prayer for a speedy and complete healing. God bless you Dale and the boys for loving Shermance so much. Love you Shermance, big hug.
Thank you, my honey, for catching everyone up! BTW, the shaking hands was just a short-lived thing and after innitial chemo treatment, I'm golden as far as the hands go!
Gotcha covered dear cousin with the comfort clutching cross your hubby mentioned in a previous post. (((BIG HUGS))) Audra
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